noun: a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.
“Autism is the result of exposure to mercury during the critical periods of neurodevelopment. It is nothing more than mercury toxicity on board a physiology with a genetic predisposition for the inability to excrete.”
– Dr. Rashid A Buttar
More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.
USA Incidence of Autism (1 in 36 children per CDC) Autism on the Rise
The Cost Of Autism Is More Than $2.4 Million Over A Patient’s Life
United States Population
US Pediatric Population (22.6%)
Autism Incidence USA (1 in 36)
The REAL Numbers That No One Is Talking About....
More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. (Buescher et al., 2014)
World Population
Global Pediatric Popul (22.6%)
Extrapolating US Data (1 in 36)
~1 % of the world population has autism according to the National Autism Society per the CDC
...the Actual Prevalence Of Autism Globally!
Autism Defined
If you are a parent with a child with Autism, you probably found yourself here while searching for answers to the following questions:
- What is Autism?
- Who gets this disease?
- How the hell did this happen to MY child?
- Why in the world did it affect MY child?
- What, if anything, can I do now to bring my child back?
Unfortunately, the amount of misinformation perpetrated by the media and by the medical hierarchy regarding Autism, has created massive discourse. The agenda now for those who perpetuate the current myth regarding Autism, is to protect those responsible for the largest catastrophe and gravest travesty ever committed in human history against any populace.
This issue crosses geographical boundaries, transcends ethnicity and creed, and ignores religious separatism, socioeconomic constraints and racial barriers. We can no longer ignore this catastrophe.

The victims are our children. And our children’s children. The victims will be our future generations. And if we don’t wake up and take action and do the right thing very soon, the single victim will end up being the human race.
Autism defined, as currently accepted by the international community, is based upon the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), published by the American Psychiatric Association (Washington, DC, 1994), and is the main diagnostic reference of mental health professionals in the U.S. Even today, it is still being classified as a “psychiatric condition” and NOT as a biological issue that it actually is. The facts on autism are seemingly ignored completely and autism is still defined as something that “just happens”.
The term “PDD” is widely used by professionals to refer to children with autism and related disorders. However, there is a great deal of disagreement and confusion among professionals concerning the PDD label. How autism is defined seems to matter, but only if it fits into the paradigm that it is a psychiatric condition. The diagnosis of PDD, including autism or any other developmental
Autism continues to be defined as something that just happens. According to the DSM-IV, the term “PDD” is not a specific diagnosis, but an umbrella term under which the specific diagnoses are defined including how autism is defined. But the facts on Autism are clear. What is promoted as facts on autism are nothing more than smoke and
“Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them”. Albert Einstein
To get a better idea on why autism is defined as it currently is, a look back into the facts on autism as recorded in recent history may shed some light. In 1991, the incidence of Autism was 1 in 10,000. Today, in the US, 1 in 42 children have autism. And according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, one out of every 6 children born in the US has some type of neurological deficit.
These are the facts on autism that are not being shared. The National Vaccine Initiative was launched that same year in 1991, with the goal of stamping out childhood diseases and the vaccine schedule was dramatically changed with inoculations now being administered on the first day of birth, with multiple injections being given back to back, instead of distributed over the first few years of life as previously done, with the first vaccines being given at 6 months or later. This is a fact
Why don’t we see this information when facts on autism are discussed. Are these facts on autism not important? Or perhaps, how autism is defined the more convenient way of ignoring the facts on autism. However, as you will learn, there is a very specific definition of autism. Autism is defined very simply in the quote below by a physician who has successfully treated over 3,000 children in his clinic over a 2 decade period, who has testified before the US Congress and whose own child had been injured by vaccines and lost his ability to speak.
“Autism can be defined simply as mercury toxicity on board
How autism is defined and how we choose to continue to define autism is paramount to the discussion because currently, the facts on autism are completely being ignored and buried under the blanket of how autism is defined. And anyone causing disruption in this line of thinking or detracts from the storyline to actually present the facts on
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”. – Albert Einstein
If you truly want to know the truth, if you’re not scared to learn the facts on autism for your self, if you are willing to look beyond the prevailing and accepted line of thinking, and refuse to accept how autism is defined, then look no further.
The following videos and information will provide you with the irrefutable facts on autism. And then you can choose how to define autism …and allow yourself for the first time to realize there actually is a proven solution, validated over the last 2 decades, with patients from over 90 different countries.
You now have a choice. You can either allow how autism is defined currently, to dictate your future and that of your loved one and remain in the place you feel life has thrown you in. Or you can open your eyes to the truth, look at the facts on autism for yourself to see that you have been pushed to feel a victim through misinformation and distractions, and realize you have a choice. By choosing to empower yourself with knowledge and the facts on autism, you are taking the first step in recognizing the truth. That how autism is defined currently is a lie! That your child is autistic because he or she was poisoned. But most importantly, that you have a choice how to move forward, and discover what has worked for literally thousands of people from literally all over the world.
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One of the most controversial issues in society today is the issue of vaccinations. Evoking intense feelings, both sides of the debate are very passionate. Studies have shown evidence to support both sides of the debate. Each alleges the other side skewed the data or altered the results to show the desired outcome. So what is the truth? is a data collection and statistic site. Take 2 minutes to fill the information and then see the evidence yourself!
Ask Dr. Buttar
The internet allows access to many websites/videos which contain information that may or may not be clinically accurate. In some cases, the misinformation is so widely disseminated due to suspect agendas, it would be amusing were it not for the fact people are being hurt as a result of widespread dissemination of this misinformation. Often, it’s also a result of archaic beliefs, supported by flawed evidence, maintained by those vested in the status quo and failing to evolve and keep up with current science.
Prevention or Poison Webinar
A webinar discussing autism and vaccines with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and Dr. Marcial-Vega.
Patient Feedback
Dr. Buttar holds a conference with the parents of Dr. Gabriel’s autism patients, undergoing treatment with Dr. Buttar’s protocols.
We Have the Power to Impact Our Future,
But Only If We’re Willing To Do Something About It
This site was put up for one reason… to empower parents of Autistic children with the information they seek. Not information that is propaganda but rather, real information based on facts and observations while taking care of Autistic children for over more than 2 decades, from 91 different countries.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. There are a number of videos that will provide a tremendous amount of information. Some of these videos are exclusively available only at the IADFW (International Association for a Disease Free World). But the “Truth On Autism” Video Series is available for you to watch on this site. Watch them and you will see the truth for yourself.
Autism Content
Test e
Seeking the Cause of Autism
Autism is a brain abnormality. Its primary symptoms are communication problems, difficulty with social interactions, and extreme sensitivity to physical contact. Usually apparent between ages 1 and 3, it strikes boys 3-4 times more often than girls. The regressive...
Chelation Therapy as a Viable Option for Autism Treatment
Many doctors have adamantly gone on record denouncing the use of Chelation therapy as a viable option for autism treatment, calling the treatment both dangerous and radical. Many others, in both the nontraditional medical profession as well as many families of...
What is Autism? – A Quick Read
What is Autism? Autism is a developmental neurological disorder affecting people of all ages but is most evident and diagnosable at the prime developmental age of 3-4 in most children. While not everything is known about the disorder and its origins, it is generally...
Signs of Autism
How Can I Know if My Child is Autistic? Autism is a mental disorder seen in children in the developmental age of 3. The kids show symptoms like repetitive behaviors and lack the social skills. They isolate themselves from other and sit in a corner lost in their own...
Physical Characteristics of Autism
Autism is the disorder normally seen in the children above the age of 3. The children affected by this disorder do no interact with the people socially. They were even mistaken for deaf and mute in those days. Actually this was not the case since these children were...
Autism Defined
Autism is a lifelong, nonprogressive neurological disorder typically appearing before the age of three years. The word “autism” means a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction.
More Autism Content
What is High Functioning Autism?
Autism is a neurological disorder that triggers a many behavioral problems like social interaction skills, verbal or non-verbal communications and even hearing disorders. The high functioning Autism is normally related to Asperger Syndrome. It is noted that persons...
Famous People With Autism
Autism is a disorder seen in children at the age of 3. Even though the symptoms are dominant at the age of 3 it starts developing in the kids much before that. It is difficult for the parents to understand on detect this disorder because the infant is too young to...
Autism Defined
How would you define Autism? Autism is a neurological disorder or you can call it a developmental disability which starts from the age three. The reason for it being call neurological disorder is because it has somehow damaged the function of the brain, due to that a...
$236 – $262 Billion
Spent on Autism Services Annually in the USA
Would You Like Access To The Following ... For FREE?
- 3 studies clearly associating mercury with autism
Dr Buttar’s Congressional Testimony (+ 1000 supporting pages)- Paper submitted to JAMA showing Oxidation in Autism, eventually published in Townsend Letter
- Lancet paper submitted: Relationship of mercury to Autism
- Video on the “WHY” behind the motivation to solve Autism
- Autism Webinar – an almost 3 plus hour presentation
- Congressman Bill Posey: CDC’s research fraud
- 2 Videos on the use of Measles vaccine in treating cancer
- 10,000 files containing omitted data by the CDC
- Documentation on Mumps/MMR vaccine fraud lawsuit
- Dr. Poul Thorsen, major CDC publisher guilty of fraud.
Article asking if Big Pharma is addicted to Fraud?
You can get access to this and much more…but first, you MUST WATCH THESE VIDEOS!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.